• Newsletter Update 10 March

    A summary of the 2024 salmon fishery in Greenland and a look at the scientific report of the sampling program in 2022 (Latest). It is obvious that the proportion of European fish is certainly in decline and is reflected in very poor spring salmon returns to Ireland over recent years. It will be interesting to note this year’s spring fishery in Ireland and UK to see if the low catch in Greenland is reflective of a continued decline in both countries.  

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  • Newsletter 28 February 25 Salmon Watch Ireland

      This newsletter deals with Section 19A (4) of the 1997 Fisheries Act which is to be deleted from Irish Legislation. Please click on image below  

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  • Collapse of Salmon Stocks – An examination of illegal and unregulated fisheries

      The focus of this update is to inform you of the recent addition of a scientific paper examining the many impacts on salmon with a particular  emphasis on unregulated illegal fisheries at sea. Please click on document below.      

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  • Annacotty Weir and Catch Advice 2025

    Salmon Watch Ireland would like to update our supporters on the catch advice for 2025 and Annacotty Weir. Please click on the documents below.  

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  • Weekly Update 04 January 2025

    Welcome to 2025 from Salmon Watch Ireland. We will be publishing our annual look back at all things wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout in the coming weeks. We hope you will find it interesting and that 2025 will see some progress on many issues to be highlighted. We understand that many catchments did see some improvement in grilse stocks but that multi sea winter salmon stocks were to say the least very disappointing.  The same man made issues persist with salmon farming and water quality high on the suspect list pertaining to survival. However the most pressing issues (many beyond our control) are at sea but we all can play our part in allowing more salmon spawn in 2025. The spectre of climate related warming of the seas on the southwestern coast of Ireland is certainly being felt by the salmon farming industry. There are two salmon farms presently operating in Kenmare Bay. The mortality of farmed salmon on both these farms is to say the least extraordinary. Our recent submission throws some light on the extent of mortalities. Deenish Island and Inishfarnard. The total mortality figures contained in the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) reports note exceptional rates of up to 45.8%  and 46.9% on Deenish and Inishfarnard respectively which obviously demonstrate a substantial animal welfare issue at the site. While environmental challenges exist presently due to higher water temperatures it is abundantly clear that this will only get worse as climatic conditions deteriorate. Harmful algal blooms, sea lice and jellyfish infestation will only be amplified by declining marine conditions. The total mortality figures reported by MOWI to ASC were as follows for Deenish: production cycle 2013 (36.4%), 2015 (45.8%), 2017 (23.9%), 2019 (28.9%) and 2021 (32.2%) This is well above the figures reported in Scotland and Norway. The mortality rate on Inishfarnard has fluctuated widely with the 2014 cycle (46.19%), 2016 (12.3%), 2018 (unknown), 2020 (44.1%). The many causes of mortality include Pancreas Disease , Amoebic Gill Disease, Sea Lice Damage, Early Maturation, Jellyfish, Harmful Algal Blooms.  This could in all probability be in the region of up to a two million farmed salmon mortalities in the last decade. A question to be asked is how do these mortality figures affect wild salmonids. Moribund fish on the farms are certainly more at risk of parasitic infestation while also being affected by the causative agents which cause amoebic gill disease.       It is believed that sea trout due to their near coastal residence are prone to AGD and repeat infestation by sea lice from these farms. It is worth noting that sea trout angling returns fell from over 500 seatrout(over 40cm) in 2009 to a low of 81 fish in 2022 in the Waterville fishery. The 2009 figure was coincidently the year before the salmon farms reopened after a fallowing period since 2005. The table from Burishoole demonstrates how a sea trout population is effectively eradicated. No explanation from the Marine Institute as to the cause. Coincided with the salmon farm industry opening and expanding in Clew Bay in the 1980's.   Exploitation 2025 While the angling community has been steadfast in their approach to conservation we are disappointed that the recent Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging regulations did not take our views onboard concerning both commercial and recreational exploitation. We do know that Inland Fisheries Ireland do agree that there needs to be a more proactive approach to the management of exploitation and that stocks should primarily be managed for conservation. This does not mean that exploitation cannot be allowed but a more nuanced approach is required to conserve the larger fish which after all are the drivers of population going forward. We are again asking the angling community to voluntarily restrict their harvesting of salmon.         Our submission included the following points which we will again be discussing with Inland Fisheries Ireland going forward. We strongly assert that there needs to be a substantial re-examination of the data which undermines the provision of scientific advice in regard to the attainment of conservation limits especially where data is derived from recreational angling returns. The usage of non—return of licences as a means to determine unreported catches is not desirable or is the usage of this data justified to raise catches. Anecdotal evidence would suggest that this data is not accurate. We again would strongly suggest that real time reporting of catches be facilitated through an online portal. This should be an immediate priority even without the provision of the promised digital licencing system. The electro-fishing programme must be expanded substantially both in catchment area, increased regularity, and number of catchments in order to give more robust data in facilitating stock analysis. There is certainly a case for citizen science playing a part in process with training being given by Inland Fisheries Ireland. While the actual electro fishing activity is a highly skilled process it should be possible to include stakeholder groups to carry out certain tasks associated with the fishery and free up numbers of staff to expand the geographic range of the annual program.     In regard to exploitation, we would suggest the following for the recreational sector: • As MSW salmon are the most important fish to protect it is essential that more stringent limits apply. It is our opinion that one salmon per angler in the period up to 11 May 2025 should be introduced. • A maximum size limit should be introduced outside this period to protect MSW fish. We suggest a 65cm limit. • A limit of one fish per day should be introduced from 12 May to end of August. • Harvesting of salmon in September should not be facilitated. • All angling should be carried out with catch and release to the forefront which suggests that methods should be restricted which give salmon best chance of survival. Single / Double Barbless hooks etc. • The provision of ten tags to anglers is certainly not desirable considering the dramatic decline in stocks. We suggest this number be reduced. • With regard to commercial salmon exploitation, it is our contention that a commercial fishery moratorium be considered as an interim measure. An immediate examination on how to eliminate the commercial harvest of salmon should be examined with public netting licences to be time limited by way of government order (Similar to net limitation order in UK). The purchase of private netting interests should proceed without delay. If a commercial fishery is to be prosecuted in 2025 it is our contention that season should be from 01 June to 31 July. The month of May should be excluded as it is predominantly MSW fish that are harvested. Consideration should also be given to manage salmon fisheries during periods of low water and/or warm water temperatures. Closure of fisheries both commercial and recreational must be vested in local management and all fishing should cease.        

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  • Weekly Update – 20 December 2024

    Deenish Island Update - The Aquaculture Licence Appeal Board has again delayed the determination of the appeal related to the closure of the salmon farm at Deenish which was ordered to close in April 2019. This farm has continued to operate and can do so, while the appeal process is ongoing. This is a process which has taken six years thus far and may again be delayed in May. The recent High Court case judgement regarding the salmon farm in Bantry Bay did negatively comment on undue delay involving ALAB but this seems to be ignored in regard to this appeal. Deenish Island farm will again be stocked with 400,000 smolts in early spring thus facilitating the continued operation of the farm. This situation is not acceptable and there must be a local, national and international campaign to move these facilities to closed containment. Waterville Butler Pool  - How many seatrout are running this system now. The Golden Miles Project A French Campaign about the near shore ecosystem and how netting of coastal areas and beyond affect all species - A very interesting read and credit to DÉFENSE DES MILIEUX AQUATIQUES and their president Philippe Garcia for reaching out to Salmon Watch Ireland. This is a great document and examines many issues which share many similarities to Ireland. There is a very interesting segment on Atlantic salmon and should be read by all concerned with preservation of coastal areas. Well researched document and interesting read.    

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  • Weekly Update 08 December 24

    Salmon Watch Ireland would like to appraise our supporters of various activities which have come to our notice over the past week. The item which we would like to highlight is the newest research newsletter from Inland Fisheries Ireland and in particular the inbuilt data hub which is a very much needed public viewing platform full of excellent resources for the public and more importantly those people who have an interest in Salmon and wild salmonids. We assume that other sources of research will be added along the line as they become available. Please click on photos and explore this resource.  

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  • Salmon Escape Killary Update

    Salmon Watch Ireland have requested the Marine Institute, and copied the Food Safety Authority and BIM, to speedily make a statement on the safety of farmed salmon escapees in Killary and wider area. We have received information that these fish are being caught both in salt water and in freshwater catchments flowing into Killary and some are being consumed. It is our strong opinion that these fish should under no circumstances be eaten as they may be harbouring significant residues of anti-biotics, vaccine residues and indeed anti parasitic medicines. Text of email " Salmon Watch Ireland requires that the Marine Institute issue a statement regarding the escape in Killary Harbour on 11th August particularly in regard to the health status of the farmed salmon which escaped into the wild. We are particularly interested to ascertain if these fish pose a risk to human health as anecdotal reports indicate that a significant number of these fish are being caught and some consumed. We will also be copying this email to the Health Service Authority, BIM and the Food Safety Authority. We also wish to ascertain if any disease was present on the farm which could affect wild salmonids. It is common practice to starve fish prior to harvest to reduce any medication present but these fish were actively feeding and thus may prove to be harbouring high levels of antibiotic residue and anti parasitic medicine. We could always go through the FOI process but this information should be in the public domain as soon as possible. It is also evident that the condition of these fish have all the hallmarks of poor fish welfare and sea lice damage is evident on fins.   Some selected photos demonstrate the overall poor condition of these fish which should trigger 

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  • Deenish Island – Waterville Sea Trout Collapse Continues

    The prospect of the Salmon Farm at Deenish Island being restocked with over 400,000 smolts in the coming weeks should fill anglers and conservationists with dismay and anger. The farm was ordered to close by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in April 2019 for gross over harvesting at the site. The MOWI owned farm which is less than nine kilometers from Lough Currane has always been a strong source of controversy regarding its effect on sea trout and salmon stocks. Marine Institute Hydro Study - Extent of particle distribution from Deenish Island Site - This is strongly linked to distribution of sea lice larvae A Tragedy for Watervilles Salmon and Sea Trout The appeal mechanism being relied upon by MOWI included a judicial review in the High Court which was adjourned to allow the appeal go to the Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board. This board has had over three years to make a determination but has failed to do so and will not do so before September 2023. This is a disgraceful scenario which effectively allows the farm to continue operations pending a determination of their appeal. The Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board in this case appear to be acting in the interests of MOWI with little regard for the wild salmon and sea trout resource in Waterville. It is interesting to note that there is now no wild fish representatives on this board and we strongly suggest that the board has little interest in wild salmonids and has demonstrated this by their abject failure to reach a timely determination. Meanwhile sea trout stocks are now extremely poor and the prospect of recovery is being eroded with each passing year. The upcoming stocking at the site will effectively allow the continuation of this tragic outrage for a further two years. It is time that the independence of this board is strongly questioned. Being financed and effectively controlling its composition, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine has also serious questions to answer. We will be appending this note to our EU Complaint to demonstrate the serious malpractice evident in the workings of ALAB and DAFM. We are asking our supporters to send this link to their local representatives and ask their assistance in bringing this situation to a positive conclusion which favours the vastly important sea trout and salmon resource in Waterville County Kerry. Further Information available in following links: Deenish Island – Salmon Watch Ireland Submission – ALAB   Deenish Island – Contradictory and inaccurate records reveal a shocking story   Update on Deenish Island Salmon Farm Salmon Farming:Complaint to the Commission of the European Communities about the Government of Ireland’s failure to comply with Community law.

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  • Salmon Hero Award 2022 – Coomhola Salmon Trust

    Mark Boyden receiving the Salmon Hero 2022 Award from John Murphy, Chair Salmon Watch Ireland The very mention of Atlantic salmon in a primary school in Ireland garners the immediate response "Streamscapes" which is the first port of call for educators all over Ireland in matters relating to our rivers and freshwater resources. The excitement generated by the original "Streamscapes" publication among young students is testimony to how the natural world invigorates and excites and this brainchild of the Coomhola Salmon Trust was and still is a beacon of how much this resource was ahead of its time and indeed is still as relevant today.    Not confined to Atlantic salmon, Mark Boyden and his team have built an unprecedented educational resource to actively educate  school students, community groups and the general public on all matters relating to water quality and the general well being of our freshwater resources. In existence since 1989, the Coomhola Salmon Trust has over the years instilled a life long impact on all its students and community groups in regard to nurturing a respect for Ireland's aquatic and biodiversity heritage.    Coomhola Salmon Trust certainly encompasses what all groups interested in the natural environment should aspire to. ENGAGE -ENLIGHTEN - EMPOWER Salmon Watch Ireland is delighted to award the "Salmon Hero Award" to the Coomhola Salmon Trust for 2022 in recognition of their inspirational and lifelong devotion to protecting Ireland's aquatic and biodiversity resources. We cannot recommend more highly the resources and practical innovation that the Trust has demonstrated over the last three decades and would strongly suggest that all parties interested in preserving Ireland's natural resources learn more about this truly unique project.   Coomhola Salmon Trust has a myriad of educational publications and has always been at the forefront of protecting Ireland's nature and biodiversity. Coomhola has also a freshwater aquarium built from the unique landscape of the Coomhola catchment which is integrated with the Coomhola River. All the resources can be accessed at Streamscapes Resources and Publications A Selection of Publications from Coomhola Salmon Trust To access more about streamscapes please click on following link: Streamscapes Website      

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