This report from 2015 is a very interesting read with lots of very informative data available. Salmon Watch Ireland is particularly interested in the data relating to sea trout. The facility allows for a full count of sea trout smolts and returns of adults. It is alarming the drop in the population which appears to have coincided with the opening of salmon farming in the nearby Clew Bay. The level of smolt production has fallen to just over 400 smolts which is a ten fold decrease on the average sea trout smolt production figures in the period prior to introduction of fish farming in Clew Bay. This is a clear indication that sea trout numbers have fallen to a very low number and have not experienced any significant recovery. Please read the following pages from the report (23 -32) There are also excellent data presented regarding wild salmon and ranched salmon.
Marine Institute Report – Newport Salmon and Sea Trout 2015