Waterville Fishery: A look back at research in the period 1980 – 1986 It is calamitous that the fishery now has few sea trout and to repeat this research may not be possible today. Certainly, a situation which can be rescued but only with your help.
A summary of the 2024 salmon fishery in Greenland and a look at the scientific report of the sampling program in 2022 (Latest). It is obvious that the proportion of European fish is certainly in decline and is reflected in very poor spring salmon returns to Ireland over recent years. It will be interesting to […]
This newsletter deals with Section 19A (4) of the 1997 Fisheries Act which is to be deleted from Irish Legislation. Please click on image below
The report was published recently by Inland Fisheries Ireland and is a comprehensive analysis of the program carried out in 2023. This program is concerned with catchment wide electro fishing, estimation of smolt to adult return survival rates and a study of life cycle characteristics in several catchments. The report is extensive […]
The focus of this update is to inform you of the recent addition of a scientific paper examining the many impacts on salmon with a particular emphasis on unregulated illegal fisheries at sea. Please click on document below.