• COP 26 – Salmon School

    Salmon and COP26 Wild salmon are a majestic symbol and indicator of the health of our rivers, land, and oceans. They range across nearly half the planet. But climate change and other human impacts are driving them towards extinction. Investing in community-driven approaches to save wild salmon will help us limit global warming to 1.5°C and help communities adapt to near-term climate change. Salmon School embodies the local work on river systems worldwide to restore salmon and the cold, clean water they need—from the River Clyde in Glasgow to the outermost reaches of the Arctic. ​ Here is how safeguarding salmon can help achieve the four goals outlined in the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP26). The following initiative at COP 26 SEEKS TO HIGHLIGHT THE PLIGHT OF WILD SALMON IN A CHANGING CLIMATE.  Take the time to get involved. There is little doubt that climatic change has and will substantially change wild salmon survival here in Ireland. The Salmon School

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