Salmon Watch Ireland has been alerted this morning to a large escape of farmed salmon from Rosroe salmon farm in Killary Harbour which occurred on Sunday, 11th August. The escape appears to have been caused by a fish farm boat colliding with salmon cages which resulted in an escape of farmed salmon numbering over ten thousand fish. It must be stressed that this figure may be an underestimate as it is likely that accurate reporting of such escapes are at best, estimated. The farmed salmon are 1.5 kg to 2kg in weight and reports indicate that large numbers can be seen throughout Killary Harbour.
The farm licence is listed as owned by Docon Limited, Mulranny Co. Mayo with a recent transfer from previous owners in October 2023. Local information suggests that MOWI have a substantial interest in this farm.
Salmon Watch Ireland would like to ascertain if all operating procedures were put in place to safeguard the cages prior to this incident and if all necessary reporting steps were taken once the escape was discovered. We would also like to know if steps are to be taken to trap the escapees and prevent them from entering the nearby wild salmon catchments.
In the recent decision by Judge Holland in relation to the Bantry Bay Judicial Review, he noted that the EIA was not comprehensive enough as it related to specification and structural integrity of the cage infrastructure. This incident once again highlights the dangers and risk of damage to farms and highlights the very real risk to wild salmon genetics. These fish may in time enter rivers and interbreed with the wild salmon both in Killary harbour catchments and indeed further afield.
We regard the removal of open cage technologies as a priority to protect wild salmon and are calling on DAFM to reconsider siting these farms at sea. In the interim it is of the utmost importance that the maximum number of escapees are captured to reduce risks to local wild salmon populations.
We encourage anglers to report and remove farmed salmon if caught and we strongly suggest that Inland Fisheries Ireland and the Marine Institute should facilitate a program of removal by all available means.