Farmed Salmon Mortality – A new low in Donegal
A new low has been reached in Donegal. Salmon farming has experienced enormous mortality events on a continuous basis but evidence is difficult to garner as the whole process of reporting is shrouded in secrecy. The majority of farm renewal applications are redacted heavily but the latest application has its mortality figures on display without redaction. Ocean Farm Ltd has applied for renewal and review of its operation in Mc Swynes Bay in Donegal and there are extraordinary mortality figures on display. To date no explanation of mortality events is to hand but the level suggests that such events are common place. It is extraordinary that such information is normally hidden from public oversight and it is very disconcerting that such events are not publicly available as the small numbers of surviving fish are entering the food chain without an explanation of the large scale mortality. We certainly are alarmed that the general public is routinely not informed of mortality events and that the commercial sensitivity of such events is being used to mask information which should be in public domain. We will be making a submission on this application in near future and will be available to use if persons wish to make their own personal observations : Extract from Application :Documentation Ocean Farm Ltd
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