The MOWI (Deenish Island) owned salmon farm located within nine kilometres of the once famous Waterville sea trout fishery has once again escaped judgement by the Aquaculture Appeals Board. This farm was officially ordered to close in April 2019 but has since operated unchallenged while pursuing an appeal against the closure. The sea trout fishery is effectively abandoned with a substantial loss of economic activity and the loss of many jobs associated with angling tourism. The text of the letter is as follows:
"I refer to my letter of 05 September 2023 in which the Board indicated it anticipated this Appeal would
be determined by 30 September 2024.
The Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board (ALAB) reviewed this timescale for the determination of this
Appeal at its meeting on 25 July 2024 and has formed the view it will not be in a position to determine
these Appeals within that timeframe due to the ongoing collation of technical advice and the vacant
position of an internal ALAB Technical Advisor.
In light of this, as provided for in Section 56(3) of the Act, the Board hereby gives notice of its intention
to determine this Appeal by 31 January 2025."
The ongoing damage to Waterville and its angling reputation is continuing while sea trout stocks continue a rapid and accelerating decline. While Salmon Watch Ireland has successfully taken judicial review proceedings in regard to Bantry Bay we are conscious that the Deenish situation should be prioritised by all concerned with bringing back stability to sea trout stocks with economic benefits accruing to the local community.
We are disappointed with the apparent apathy demonstrated by some within the local business community despite the best efforts of the local angling association (Currane Fisheries) and other conservation bodies to highlight the devastation occurring. This area more than ever needs sustainable tourism business and it is shameful that a lake like Lough Currane has effectively been consigned to the history books by the salmon farming industry. Make no mistake, salmon farming in open cage technology cannot coexist with healthy sea trout populations.
It is also infuriating that the Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board has effectively allowed MOWI to delay and consistently mend their hand in relation to this appeal.
Recent submissions by Salmon Watch Ireland regarding Deenish Island:
Submissions to ALAB - Deenish Island