Salmon Watch Ireland - Directors
Salmon Watch Ireland is a membership organisation dedicated to the restoration of salmon abundance in Ireland. It is the successor organisation to Stop Salmon Drifts Nets Now which, from 2004 to 2007, led the successful campaign for the abolition of mixed stock fishing for salmon (commonly known as drift netting) off the Irish coast.
Salmon Watch Ireland is a company limited by guarantee governed by the Companies Acts. The Memorandum of Association of the company adopted at its 2007 Annual General Meeting sets out the following objectives:
• To do all things necessary to contribute to the conservation and restoration to abundance of the wild Atlantic salmon and in particular to engage in research, training, education, advocacy and campaign programmes directed towards that end.
• To raise awareness among the public of the threat to stocks of wild salmon and the measures needed to restore salmon abundance, of the heritage, environmental, social, economic and recreational importance of achieving that objective and of the particular threat that would be posed to salmon stocks by any restoration of mixed stock fishing for salmon.
Salmon Watch Ireland is, therefore, dedicated to salmon conservation and is not a representative organisation for anglers – a role that is filled by the country’s game angling federations.
Salmon Watch Ireland is an approved NGO observer at the inter-governmental North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation and is affiliated to the Pure Salmon Campaign.
Directors Salmon Watch Ireland:
John Murphy
Robert Wemyss
John Scanlan
Alan McGurdy
Niall Greene
Joe Stewart
Robert Seward
Mary Harkin
Declan Little
Angus Sutherland
Pat O Connor
Tim Harley
Peter O'Grady Walsh
Contact Details:
Chairman: Niall Greene - email: chairman@salmonwatchireland.ie
Director: Robert Wemyss - email: admin@salmonwatchireland.ie
Director: John Murphy - email: info@salmonwatchireland.ie