Update 18 March 2025
Waterville Fishery: A look back at research in the period 1980 - 1986 It is calamitous that the fishery now has few sea trout and to repeat this research may not be possible today. Certainly, a situation which can be rescued but only with your help.
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Weekly Update 14 Dec 24 – Marine Institute Salmon and Sea Trout Census 2023
The Marine Institute Annual Report outlines the activities of the MI in 2023. It is a large piece of work but our interest is focussed on activities involving wild Atlantic salmon, sea trout and the large scale ranching program being carried out in Burishoole. The trapping system in Burishoole is quite unique in that it enables personnel to physically count all emigrating smolts and sea trout juveniles leaving the system and count and examine adult returnees including ranched salmon. The count is full (except if traps are overwhelmed by flood water) with each fish examined and this allows the removal of adult ranched salmon before they reach the spawning beds. The data series is unique with data stretching to over sixty years and is one of Irelands index systems which reports to ICES and NASCO. The wild salmon census indicates a survival rate of 5.6 % of fish who emigrated to sea in 2022 and continues a static and depressed return rate. This return may be slightly upgraded by return of multi sea winter fish in 2024 but these are few in numbers. The sea trout census is again alarming and it is reasonable to conclude that this stock is functionally extinct and the primary cause must be salmon farming in Clew Bay. It is apparent that this population was destroyed in the 1980's (Expansion of Salmon Farming) and obviously reached such a low ebb that recovery is probably out of the question unless salmon farming is removed from the area. It is interesting that sea trout are included in the nature restoration law and what better place to start their rehabilitation where progress in restoration could be accurately followed. At this stage it could take decades to rehabilitate the population back to functioning as a self sustaining stock. While not having accurate access to the amount of ranched juveniles released it is possible to suggest that their survival has reduced significantly in the past number of years which coincides with poorer returns of wild fish. The following video gives us a view on how the traps work and how the data is used to inform management of salmon stocks. Interesting facility but we certainly cannot condone the lack of comment by the MI on both the impact of salmon farming on wild salmon and the silence regarding the collapse of sea trout stocks. Newport Research Video
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Deenish Island – Re-establishment ongoing
Deenish Island salmon farm is currently undergoing extensive upgrading (October 2024) for the next stocking of smolts in February 2025, despite being ordered to close in 2019. This demonstrates the very obvious failings of government bureaucracy whereby the appeal against closure is ongoing for nearly six years. It is depressing that such a situation is allowed to continue while the sea trout population continues to descend into oblivion. The Butler Pool, Waterville. The present situation is that MOWI have an appeal before the Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board for six years against closure and have also applied for a renewal and review of their expired licence earlier this year. MOWI have been permitted to continue to produce salmon despite their abject failure to comply with their licence terms and conditions. This farm is withing nine kilometers of Lough Currane and is essentially a reservoir for sea lice, disease and other pathogens which have driven the regional stocks of sea trout into crisis. This was once a famous destination for local , national and international visitors from April to October and is now essentially extinguished as a destination for angling. This is an a appalling situation and suggests that the Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food is hiding behind a wall of bureaucracy to allow continuation of this appalling practice at Deenish. It is well worth mentioning that up to three million Euro is being lost to the local economy each year through loss of revenue to Waterville and surrounding area. This is not to mention the appalling destruction of biodiversity. This film by Vincent Hyland demonstrates what has been lost to Waterville. These are now the Ghosts of times past. https://salmonwatchireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/FDownloader.Net_AQOoERmIqysNQwhmGL9nTNXsNREiUUX1_GSqOp-_CZjAIVjyL0cvP6qAW56wgal3jPvMJBmviec_8L2wXi8kTRwk_720p_HD.mp4 We have made numerous submissions on the subject which can be viewed here: Deenish Submission Inishfarnard Kenmare Bay - Submission Complaint to EU - Sec 19 We are asking you to send to your local election candidates and ask their help in stopping this environmental disaster. The following video of Deenish Island Salmon Farm in June 2023 demonstrates the level of salmon stocked and the stressful reaction of the fish to high water temperatures. There has been over 40 percent mortality on this farm and others in Kenmare Bay resulting in circa one and a half million mortalities over the past decade. https://salmonwatchireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/AQOGlPuMr9u2PdyAiIy1D35GAT7uT7pxzbenDmG2WtpgvvYTmHtBrydD1ifuwzut-1SUK7DoN5jW7By4TufrFNSx.mp4
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Marine Institute - Year in Review - Declining Salmon Count and Low Levels of sea trout The Marine Institute Year in Review 2023 includes a comprehensive count of wild salmon and sea trout for 2023 and demonstrates a declining and unstable population of wild salmon and dramatic population collapse of sea trout. The data covering the period 2019 to 2023 demonstrates a declining trend of survival at sea for wild salmon and reared grilse. It is interesting to note the much improved output of salmon smolts from the relatively higher return of adults in 2020 demonstrating a strong correlation between spawning numbers and smolt output. This system is below its conservation limit due to poor adult return rates and productivity is negatively affected by environmental factors in fresh water. It is evident that more spawning fish, especially fish that are in generally good condition as witnessed in 2020 deposit more ova thus increasing productivity. This is particularly important in rivers where salmon numbers are depressed and where every salmon should be allowed to spawn. This fits in with our policy relating to exploitation and while the majority of rivers are closed to exploitation some remain open and should be treated with caution. Anglers should consider their own conduct and limit their catch. We have advocated for a reduction in tags, one salmon in spring period and return of salmon over 65cm during the summer period while advocating for catch and release of all salmon in September. We have also advocated for a cessation of commercial netting of salmon. The Data demonstrates a reducing trend in sea survival from 10.18 percent in the cohort of smolts which went to sea in 2019, through to 2022 at 5.56 percent. The decreasing trend from 2019 to 2022 smolt cohorts is as follows, 10.18, 7.17, 5.88 and 5.65 (Provisional Data 2023) percent. It is alarming but not a surprise to see the declining trend in survival at sea. 2024 did show an increase in some catchments regarding grilse numbers and it will be interesting to see data from the Marine Institute in next years report. The paltry number of sea trout returning is not surprising and this graph really demonstrates the issue. Salmon Farming is the cause of this collapse and cannot be denied.
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Fish Counter Report 2023- Significant decline noted in grilse and late summer salmon
There would appear to be a significant downturn in 1SW salmon in 2023. This is very much in line with angling and commercial catches in 2023 and is in line with majority of countries in NE Atlantic which saw a substantial decline across all regions. The indicators would suggest that this year has seen a significant upturn on last years grilse run but spring salmon in 2024 is suggestive of poor survival of the same smolt cohort which supplied last years grilse. As this downturn is widespread it suggests a large downturn of conditions at sea. The report can be read here: IFI Fish Counter 2023
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Eddie O’Connor’s fishing tackle being sold for Salmon Watch Ireland – Fundraising for a good cause.
Please Support Atlantic Salmon Conservation Kindly donated by the late Dr Eddie O Connor Attached is a catalogue of fishing tackle belonging to the late Dr Eddie O’Connor which is being sold to raise funds for Salmon Watch Ireland. The collection of tackle has been donated by Mrs Hildegaard O’Connor in commemoration of Eddie’s longstanding commitment to salmon conservation. If you are interested in acquiring one or more of these pieces, please make what you consider to be a fair offer having regard to the quality of the item and the cause for which it is being sold. An inspection of the item(s) of interest can be done in Dublin. The cost of shipping (if any) will be added to the price. You will note that the collection includes three reels made for Eddie by the renowned US company, Tibor (#s 23, 24 and 25). The two marine reels (#s 23 and 25) are, according to Tibor, equally suitable for salmon and trout. I would expect offers for these reels to reflect their quality – they are really special and in very good condition. I was with Eddie when, at different times, he caught tarpon and giant trevally on the Gulfstream! Similarly, the Nautilus reel (#28) is a quality piece of equipment suitable for fresh- or salt-water use. Needless to say, no warranties are being offered with these pieces. Where the reels are concerned, I have assured myself that those been offered are in working condition and, as the catalogue records, I have discarded three as being below standard. Please contact me at niall.b.greene@gmail.com if you have an interest and we can carry the matter forward from there. Feel free to pass this message on to others who might have an interest in pieces from this collection. UPDATE FROM SALMON WATCH IRELAND - HIGH COURT ANNULS LICENCE FOR SHOT HEAD/BANTRY BAY SALMON FARM The High Court recently annulled a licence awarded by the Aquaculture Appeals Board (ALAB) to MOWI to operate a new farm at Shot Head in Bantry Bay. A judicial review of the decision had been sought by Salmon Watch Ireland, Inland Fisheries Ireland and FISSTA. Go to High Court Judgement for more information on this significant decision in the struggle against open cage salmon farming. Catalog - Dr. Eddie O Connor
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Barriers Report – Joint Oireactas Committee
The Committee agreed to examine the issue of barriers to fish migration in Irish rivers as part of its 2024 work programme. The Committee held a number of public engagements and received written submissions on this issue and acknowledged the difficult balance between flood risk management and conservation and enhancement of fish populations.This report contains ten recommendations which the Committee feels will serve to meaningfully address factors inhibiting the effective removal and mitigation of barriers in the Irish river network. Barriers Report 2024
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Ballisodare Atlantic Salmon Mortalities
With a large number of mortalities and an ongoing investigation by IFI and the Marine Institute it would suffice to say that to lose up to 900 adult salmon is a tragic outcome for this river. We await the outcome of the investigation but we are aware that it appears that the losses are primarily adult salmon. This may be related to oxygen demand as the river appears to be low over a prolonged period. Larger fish require higher levels of oxygen and large quantities in a relatively small area of a river can trigger stress and lead to secondary infections. Higher water may alleviate this but weakened fish may not survive even if distributed further upstream. There appears to be a rise in water over the past number of days and we will see if this alleviates the situation. While there are reports of a large run through the counter it is apparent that the loss of adult salmon at this scale can have consequences for spawning numbers and that other adult salmon may have a compromised survival chance through stress related secondary infections. We would certainly support an engineering solution to natural barriers if these are deemed to be partly responsible for the mortalities.
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Atlantic Salmon News
High Court Ruling - A good day for Atlantic salmon The long running high court case against the Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine received judgement on Friday 12th July, and we were successful in having the decision to issue a salmon farm licence at Shot Head in Bantry Bay quashed and sent back to ALAB and DAFM for re-decision effectively forcing MOWI to start the entire process of applying for a licence again which will be subject to our full consideration and renewed objection on numerous environmental grounds. Briefly put, the Aquaculture Licence will be quashed for inadequate: i. AA Screening of the risk of effects of seal scarers on seals of the SAC. ii. EIA as to the risks of escape of salmon from the fish farm. This finding relates to necessity of re-consideration of bespeaking the DAFM reports on the 2014 farmed salmon escape in Bantry Bay, and comprehensiveness of the EIA as it related to the specification and structural integrity of the cage installation. iii. reasons for the conclusion that the proposed fish farm will not lead to a breach of WFD limits as to Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen – specifically, reasons for reliance on RPS’s “typical” data in reaching that conclusion. In addition, I will declare that ALAB delayed unreasonably as to AA Screening from the making of the Appeals in October 2015 to embarking on AA Screening after the Oral Hearing Report of November 2017. I will grant no further relief on that account. The Foreshore Licence will be quashed as • contingent on the quashed Aquaculture Licence, Ministerial regard to which was a statutory requirement of granting the Foreshore Licence. • the Minister erred, in breach of s.82 of the 1997 Act, in granting the Foreshore Licence in 2022, in having regard to his Aquaculture Licence decision of 2015 rather than to ALAB’s impugned Aquaculture Licence determination of 29th June 2021. The full decision is at following link. Court Judgement
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Marine Institute – Sea Trout Collapse
This is a graph of sea trout collapse in the Burishoole system in the west of Ireland. This is a stark reminder that sea trout and salmon farming are mutually exclusive. Salmon farms basically make sea trout survival impossible. This station is operated by the Marine Institute which is in denial of the destruction of wild salmonids by salmon farms. The recent post from Alexandra Morton showing the effect bares a striking resemblance to this. The data source is the annual report of the Newport Research which is publicly available at the following link. Marine Institute Report There is a data set of both salmon and sea trout spanning back to 1970.
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