Salmon Watch Ireland would like to invite questions about our policies and give advice on matters which you may be of concern to you regarding Atlantic salmon and sea trout. You can email John Murphy at the following email address.
If you wish to become a member of Salmon Watch you can purchase same through PayPal facility on this page.
Membership of the organisation allows you to access professional scientific and legal advice regarding Atlantic salmon and sea trout conservation.
The Board of SWIRL is multi-faceted with fishery management,environmental science,legal, business and conservation interests well represented.
The organisation has successfully lobbied for Atlantic salmon conservation through legal challenge in both Ireland and the European Union.
All members are required to be bound by the Constitution of Salmon Watch Ireland CLG.
Please read at following link
Constitution of Salmon Watch Ireland
Please select membership type from drop down menu
Main office
Salmon Watch Ireland
Jerpoint Hill
County Kilkenny
We also have regional representation and contact details are on our About Us page.

Atlantic salmon have declined by 75% in the past number of decades. Help is needed to conserve stocks through a campaign to protect habitat and reduce exploitation. Atlantic salmon need your help.