Salmon Escape Killary Update

Salmon Watch Ireland have requested the Marine Institute, and copied the Food Safety Authority and BIM, to speedily make a statement on the safety of farmed salmon escapees in Killary and wider area. We have received information that these fish are being caught both in salt water and in freshwater catchments flowing into Killary and some are being consumed. It is our strong opinion that these fish should under no circumstances be eaten as they may be harbouring significant residues of anti-biotics, vaccine residues and indeed anti parasitic medicines.

Text of email " Salmon Watch Ireland requires that the Marine Institute issue a statement regarding the escape in Killary Harbour on 11th August particularly in regard to the health status of the farmed salmon which escaped into the wild. We are particularly interested to ascertain if these fish pose a risk to human health as anecdotal reports indicate that a significant number of these fish are being caught and some consumed. We will also be copying this email to the Health Service Authority, BIM and the Food Safety Authority.

We also wish to ascertain if any disease was present on the farm which could affect wild salmonids.
It is common practice to starve fish prior to harvest to reduce any medication present but these fish were actively feeding and thus may prove to be harbouring high levels of antibiotic residue and anti parasitic medicine.
We could always go through the FOI process but this information should be in the public domain as soon as possible.

It is also evident that the condition of these fish have all the hallmarks of poor fish welfare and sea lice damage is evident on fins.


Some selected photos demonstrate the overall poor condition of these fish which should trigger