Please find a PDF copy SWIRL NEWSLETTER 12025 of the newsletter as published today. We anticipate that you may find it of interest.
In this issue we among other subjects examine the effect of hydro schemes and the various turbines associated with the many hydro systems around Ireland. It is a subject that we all should be informed about and vigilant about, as there is a renewed interest in the construction of facilities which will impact on salmonid mortality and production.
We have also put together a video highlighting the demise of the iconic sea trout in Waterville and ask the simple question as to why. This video was co-produced with Currane fisheries, and we appreciate their support.
With the ongoing transition to closed containment and closure of open cage salmon farms in British Columbia and Washington state and the apparent improvement in wild salmon numbers there, it is essential, that we progress in eliminating open cage farming and shift the dialogue towards closed containment or indeed complete closure if the industry does not facilitate this.
Essentially we are approaching a period whereby open cage salmon farming may be about to expand and it is probably one of the last opportunities that we have to shape policy to protect wild salmonids and we need your support and ongoing efforts to steer our campaigns into the future.
We hope you will find the content interesting.
Please distribute as widely as possible.