The High Court Judicial Review Case involving Salmon Watch Ireland in regard to the granting of a licence by the Aquaculture Licence Appeal Board has finished. The case was conducted over four weeks and involved Salmon Watch along with Inland Fisheries Ireland and Sweetman and others including FISSTA against the Aquaculture Licence Appeals Board and the Minister of Agriculture Food and the Marine. MOWI were listed as a notice party and took an active part in proceedings.
The case was held before Judge David Holland and was very complex in nature. It is expected that a reserved judgement may be available in a number of weeks but that final judgement may not be available until July.
Overall the case has many complex issues in regard to Irish and European law involving the EIA Directive, Water Framework Directive and the Irish legislation to comply with these European Directives.
It is impossible to say if the judgement will be favourable but we must at this point congratulate all parties who brought this Judicial Review in order to protect wild salmonids.
We would like to thank our legal team for their work on the matter and look forward to the many issues that may come to the fore in future years.