• Fish Kills – Ireland –

    This is a most revealing report and should be studied to ascertain trends evident in data. It must also be stressed that diffuse sources from agriculture are probably the biggest threat to rivers and lakes which requires a change to macro policy concerning agriculture. Finance can go a long way to upgrading and replacing urban […]

  • Update -Escapee Salmon on the move and fast: Farmed Salmon Caught Owenmore River

    Reports coming in of farmed salmon caught on Owenmore River which is over 70 km from Killary within seven days. Is this fish from Killary or has there been another escape? Escapee salmon from Rosroe salmon farm in Killary have migrated long distances over the last ten days. These fish which have compromised genetics and […]

  • Salmon Escape Killary Update

    Salmon Watch Ireland have requested the Marine Institute, and copied the Food Safety Authority and BIM, to speedily make a statement on the safety of farmed salmon escapees in Killary and wider area. We have received information that these fish are being caught both in salt water and in freshwater catchments flowing into Killary and […]

  • Salmon Farm Escape – Killary Harbour , County Galway

    Salmon Watch Ireland has been alerted this morning to a large escape of farmed salmon from Rosroe salmon farm in Killary Harbour which occurred on Sunday, 11th August. The escape appears to have been caused by a fish farm boat colliding with salmon cages which resulted in an escape of farmed salmon numbering over ten […]