• Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages gets Salmon Watch Ireland’s 2019 Salmon Heroes Award

      Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages gets Salmon Watch Ireland’s 2019 Salmon Heroes award. (21 October 2019) – Salmon Watch Ireland has awarded its Salmon Heroes accolade for 2019 to Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages.  The award was presented at the Salmon Watch Ireland’s annual salmon conference in the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill on 19 […]

  • Salmon Watch Ireland – Consultation on Policy Document

    More and Stronger smolts ‘The rational management approach is to redouble efforts to address factors impacting on productivity to ensure that …. salmon rivers…. produce the maximum number of healthy wild salmon smolts’ Background – Salmon stocks are close to crisis point Before reading our Policy Document it might be advisable to review the present […]

  • Marine Institute Report – Newport Salmon and Sea Trout 2015

    This report from 2015 is a very interesting read with lots of very informative data available. Salmon Watch Ireland is particularly interested in the data relating to sea trout. The facility allows for a full count of sea trout smolts and returns of adults. It is alarming the drop in the population which appears to […]

  • Annual Conference Galway 19th Oct 2019- Salmon Watch Ireland

    Please note that this conference will help all stakeholders to understand the concepts involved in Closed and Semi Closed Containment in regard to salmon farming. It is imperative that you attend to see where this technology is currently. The other topics will allow you to become informed about Smolt Track and Environmental DNA and the […]