• Judicial Review – Update

    The Judicial Review against the decision by the Aquaculture Licence Appeal Board to award a licence for a salmon farm at Shot Head is progressing well. While we do not as yet have a date for hearing a number of important issues have been dealt with. On the 29th November a request was put forward […]

  • COP 26 – Salmon School

    Salmon and COP26 Wild salmon are a majestic symbol and indicator of the health of our rivers, land, and oceans. They range across nearly half the planet. But climate change and other human impacts are driving them towards extinction. Investing in community-driven approaches to save wild salmon will help us limit global warming to 1.5°C […]

  • Shot Head – Bantry Bay

    Salmon Watch Ireland is extremely disappointed with the decision of the Aquaculture Licensing Appeal Board decision to grant an aquaculture licence to MOWI for a new salmon farm at Shot Head in Bantry Bay. Our initial evaluation of the Board’s decision points to a lack of knowledge and indeed understanding of the European Court of […]

  • Fish Farming Licence – Warning to Department

    Salmon Watch Ireland has issued a letter to the Assistant Principal Officer of the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine to convey our intention of objecting to the renewal of salmon aquaculture licences or the granting of new licences. Our focus is on the inadequacies of the Appropriate Assessment process which is essentially not […]