• Salmon Farming Expansion – Wild fish stocks under threat from over-fishing to sustain feed for salmon aquaculture.

    The very essence of sustainability is to guarantee that remaining fish stocks after commercial exploitation can be replenished naturally within a short period and not have the population dynamic compromised. We have reached a situation whereby fin fish aquaculture  is set for exponential growth into the future. Will this expansion herald stock collapses in the […]

  • Pink Salmon: Non-Native Fish Species Alert

    Inland Fisheries Ireland has appealed to anglers and the general public to remain vigilant and report the presence of any Pacific pink salmon in Irish river systems. To date, 30 pink salmon have been recorded in  Irish rivers. Catches of pink salmon have been reported on the Foxford Fishery, Co. Mayo, the Coolcronan Fishery on […]

  • Salmon Alert – Bleeding and Skin Ulceration

    A small number of salmon are returning to Irish rivers with signs of bleeding and skin ulceration. Anglers and fishery owners are asked to report incidences of salmon with rash like symptoms to Inland Fisheries Ireland to help determine the scale of the problem nationally. The salmon who are affected show signs of bleeding, ulceration […]

  • Stop Europe’s Dirty Fish Farms – Petition

    Stop Europe’s Dirty Fish Farms To the governments and members of parliament of Iceland, Norway, Scotland and Ireland: Petition text: As concerned citizens from across Europe, we urge you to bring a halt to the devastation of wild fish and surrounding ecosystems caused by open net salmon farms. We call on you to impose an […]