Stop Europe’s Dirty Fish Farms – Petition
Stop Europe’s Dirty Fish Farms To the governments and members of parliament of Iceland, Norway, Scotland and Ireland: Petition text: As concerned citizens…
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Sea Lice Ireland – Erriff River Study
The long term study of sea lice in Ireland by Inland Fisheries Ireland has definitively linked a reduction of up to 50% in returning adult salmon to high levels…
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Marine Harvest – Smolts or Not
Smolt overstocking by Marine Harvest Hereunder find documentation regarding the gross over…
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International Year of the Salmon- David Attenborough and Salmon Survival
International Year of the Salmon- David Attenborough https://youtu.be/riO36JBni4M
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Salmon Farming in Ireland
Salmon Farming in Ireland The advent of salmon farming in the late 1980’s in Ireland gave rise to much debate in regard to the negative effects that this new type of practice might mean for our coastal marine environment. Unfortunately the most visible consequence was observed almost immediately in that a strange and unexpected premature sea trout migration back to freshwater took place in areas where salmon farming was being carried out. These fish were early returnees and within a few weeks of their migration as smolts or kelts they had returned in large numbers with varying degrees of injury and infection. Adults and finnock (immature fish at sea) were equally affected with the common denominator being their closeness to salmon farms and the number of sea lice attached to these wild fish,which were many times what was expected in wild fish.
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